Idaho Payday Loans Law

Idaho Payday Loans Law

Idaho State Information

Legal Status: Legal

Loan Terms:

    - Maximum Loan Amount: $1000. Loan cannot exceed 25% of gross monthly income of borrower.
    - Loan Term: Not Specified
    - Maximum Finance Rate and Fees: Not Specified
    - Finance Charge for 14-day $100 loan: Not Specified
    - APR for 14-day $100 loan: No Limit

Debt Limits:

    - Maximum Number of Outstanding Loans at One Time: Not Specified ($1000 aggregate loans outstanding to all licensees)
    - Rollovers Permitted: Three (renewals)
    - Cooling-off Period:
    - Repayment Plan: Yes. Available once in 12 months. At least four equal payments over at least 60 days, no fees.

Collection Limits:

    - Collection Fees: $20 NSF fee. Limit of two electronic presentments of borrower’s check
    - Criminal Action: Prohibited

Where to Complain, Get Information:

    - Regulator: Idaho Department of Finance
    - Address: Idaho Department of Finance, 800 Park Blvd., Suite 200, Boise ID 83712
    - Phone: (208) 332-8000

These Idaho payday loans law are basic information to assist your decision to borrow money. This information may be added or modified or canceled by Idaho government without prior notice.

Need to know more Idaho information Click Here --> Idaho payday loans.